Friday, January 13, 2012

Let the Love Story Begin!

When Shanam and I got engaged, I started writing our love story as a wedding gift for him...but never finished. Actually, I only got to the third date or so :) Hey, it's tough planning a wedding and writing a novel at the same time! (Instead, we had fun reading the journal where I had written down every single text we had ever sent to each other :) We laughed quite a bit!) Anyway, I shared what I had written so far with a few of my friends and it was really fun to have their encouragement to keep going, so I decided to finish what I began exactly three years ago. To help me keep going, I will be posting our story on our blog, in hopes that your encouragement will help me get it done :) My goal is to have it done by the time Michael arrives near the middle of April, so that I can give the book to Shanam for our third anniversary on May 2nd. I figure it is perfect timing since we won't be going on many adventures during my last three months of preggoness, so I really think I can do it. I hope you enjoy going down memory lane with me. :)
P.S. I'll only be using first names of everyone involved, but if you don't want your name in there please let me know and I'll make one up for you :)

1 comment:

Pat and Anndalyn said...

I know I'm all over that story, so please change my name to Latisha. :) I'm loving your story since I really wasn't there for any of it!! Keep going love! Oh, and YES, I BOUGHT MY PLANE TICKETS FOR GIRLS NIGHT IN UTAH! Woop woop!