Merry Christmas Everyone!!
It’s Annabelle here, again. Can you believe a year has gone by already! Last time I wrote, I had only been born a couple months prior and now here I am almost walking and talking! I must say, this has been such a wonderful year for my family! Looking back on all our travels and adventures, it feels like we did a great job packing in the fun and making great memories with our loved ones. Isn’t that what life is all about? Well, that’s what I’ve learned life is all about :)
Would you like to see my traveling stats?
• I’ve been to 8 states: Texas (of course), Utah (6 times), New Mexico (5 times), Colorado
(3 times), Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts
• I've been on 6 round trip flights
• I've traveled by car, plane, golf cart, bus, taxi, boat, and subway
• I've been camping 5 times
• I've seen the beach, the mountains, the desert, the forest, the plains, the city, and the country
• I've been to Disney’s Magic Kingdom and EPCOT
What’s even better than having been to all those places with the people I love is that my mom has completely documented every trip so that when I grow up I can look back at all the pictures! She just finished converting the first year of my blog, www.mapetiteannabelle.blogspot.com, into a book! I love it so much already!
Daddy’s work is going really well and we feel so blessed! He did accomplish his goal of getting his pilot’s license this year and has actually been able to use it for work several times. I’m so proud of him and am so grateful that he is so ambitious! My favorite part of the day is when he comes home from work, though :) As soon as I hear him come in the door, I shriek and crawl as fast as I can to him. Then, I sit at his feet with my arms outstretched. I get very impatient if I have to wait for him to even take his shoes off! We love playing in the living room together while mom gets dinner ready.
Mommy is having fun teaching the young women at church and volunteering at her mother’s group. She has made lots of friends there and while she’s with them, I get to play with my friends, too! She did make progress towards her goal of running in a half marathon by doing a 5K during the summer, but she’ll have to wait until next summer to do the half because I’M GETTING A LITTLE BROTHER!!! He is coming at the end of April and I cannot wait to have someone to play with all the time! Mom started a blog for him, too, www.michaelblainemcg.blogspot.com. Hopefully she can keep up with his blog as well as she did with mine!
We’ve got a great year planned ahead and we are looking forward to new adventures! This year we got to visit where Daddy grew up on the east coast and next year we’ll get to visit where Mommy grew up on the west coast. Feel free to keep up with our travels by following our family blog, www.bethanyandshanam.blogspot.com. We love all of you so much and we are so grateful you are part of our lives! May you have a wonderful new year filled with happiness and thanksgiving! :)
The McGaughys
Beth - you guys are so cute!
Cute family! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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