Monday, January 30, 2012

How I Met Love, Orlando Dance

Friday, May 16, 2008, Day 14

Text Message (11:00 am)

Me: I'm looking forward to dancing with you tonight. Make sure to save me a slow dance ;)

Him: And you think I would leave one open for someone else?!


"When is he going to get here?" Amy asked for the third time. We had been at the Orlando dance for over an hour and he still wasn't there yet. His Elders Quorum Secretary was getting sealed to his wife in the temple that night, so Shanam was going to come to the dance right after that was over. Amy had heard all about "Mr. Perfect", as she called him, but hadn't officially met him, yet. I couldn't wait for her to meet him and we kept looking over at the door, hoping to see him as we danced.

"Bethany, is that him?!" Amy suddenly shouted. I quickly looked over and saw his figure in the doorway. My body immediately reacted and I looked away, not sure if he had seen me yet.

"That's him!" I said, smiling, feeling suddenly nervous.

"Well, let's go say 'Hi!'" she said.

"Wait, wait! Let's just wait until he comes over here." My nerves were too jumpy and I needed a moment to calm down.

"Why is this happening?! Why won't my body just relax! How can he still have this effect over me?!"

"Hey, you!" said a low, deep voice behind me. As soon as I heard him and felt his hands on my shoulders, my body instantly melted.

I managed to turn around and gave him a big hug saying, "It's about time you showed up! I could barely stand to wait much longer!"

Turning towards Amy, I introduced them to each other, then placed my hand in his and led him towards our group of friends. After more introductions, we had fun dancing with everyone and I had fun receiving looks of approval as different friends caught my eye. He was true to his word and left no slow songs open for anyone else. We danced every song together and rarely left each other's side for more than a minute :)

After the dance was over, we drove back to my house and settled in on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you looked tonight?" he said.

"Yes, only about 50 times." I said, not being able to contain my enjoyment. "Did I tell you how much fun I had with you tonight?"

"Yes, only about 50 times." he mimicked back.

"We really do need to start taking salsa lessons, though." I laughed. "Then we could cross another thing off our list and actually not look like complete dorks on the dance floor!"

"I think I pull it off quite nicely, thank you very much!" he joked.

"You're right. Like you say, it's all in the facial expressions, and you've got those down." I giggled out loud, remembering his "salsa" poses.

We talked late into the night, once again not wanting to part. Living so far apart from each other was hard, but it also made our time together that much more meaningful. We used every moment to find out more about each other and because of that, I felt like I had known him for a lot longer than two weeks. I felt so comfortable with him. It just felt right.
It was getting late, but before I could mention anything about Shanam heading home, he drew me in closer and tilted my head up towards his. He looked into my eyes...and I knew.

I knew he loved me.
And I knew I loved him.

Our lips met.
Our hearts connected.

I felt his love encompass my whole being.

It wasn't a kiss of passion.
It was a kiss of true love.


Mark and Kim said...

That gave me chills and a tear in my eye! This is why journal writing is so important!

Hannah said...

I juts.... *sigh*. i ought to be in bed right now but I can't help myself. I love these posts!!!

Amy said...

I definitely remember that night! You did look amazing, and it was so much fun! I loved watching you find so much love and happiness. That was a rocky time for me, and even now, in spite of the ooey-gooey romanticness, your story gives me faith that so much love really can exist between two people. Although I still don't know if I'll find anyone nearly as awesome as Mr. Perfect ;)

Bethany said...

Amy-- You will! You will! He'll be your own Mr. Perfect :)